We’ve had quite a busy time since the last update, as Neil took on a challenge to play a different tune on Highland Pipes every day for 100 days, and we’ve been recording and uploading them to our YouTube channel. We had a week’s holiday on Mull and continued the challenge there, with some hilarious results…not least having a herd of curious cows follow us up a hill to see what the noise was! We were blessed with very fine weather and look forward to visiting the island again next year.

We’ve tried to record the tunes at local places of interest, sometimes matching the tune to the place. This isn’t always easy, and we have been known to employ some artistic license…such as playing The Barren Rocks of Aden at the Kelpies – one of the horses is called Baron! We are still fundraising for Parkinson’s UK and would like to thank those who’ve donated via the link on our YouTube channel. Here is the link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/neil-clark28

Kathryn & Milo at the Kelpies. Baron is on the left of the pic, Duke on the right
Unfortunately we had some problems recently with replying to emails, due to a technical issue. Apologies to those of you who emailed us via Falkirk Piping but didn’t appear to get a reply. It has now been resolved so hopefully there won’t be any more glitches!

Teaching continues to be busy and although no Glenbervie gigs are imminent, we are beginning to rehearse again now that Kathryn is in better health. Milo appears to be relishing his role as official meet and greet dog for visiting pupils and has become accustomed to various musical instruments being played. Indeed, he seems to know that when the pipes appear, it’s his cue to lie down and be quiet! It’s almost exactly a year since we got him and he’s settled in well to to our sometimes mad lifestyle.
Wishing you all well as we head into autumn and shorter days – thanks for your support and encouragement.
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