As it seems unlikely that we’ll be able to perform any gigs at real venues in the near future, we’ve decided to plan some online livestream events. These will go out on Facebook live but will be available to view on YouTube afterwards.
The first of these will be Burns! and will take place on Saturday 30th January at 19.30 UK time. It will be approx 45 mins long and will be a celebration of Scotland’s national bard. The second event is planned for Saturday 13th February at 19.30 and is a programme of St Valentine’s Cheesy Tunes. Not necessarily all Scottish, but will have a common theme of love and romance. Next up will be a St Patrick’s House Party on Wednesday 17th March at 19.30. Lots of Irish tunes and songs for this one! Then on Saturday 17th April, we hope to have a selection of Jacobite related music, in commemoration of the Battle of Culloden.
We hope you can join us for some or all of these events. Meanwhile, stay safe and keep making music!
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